We offer a low key, sophisticated approach to dating in St.Louis. We prefer a 'less is more' environment devoid of typical event trappings. Gone are the name-tags, shouting and over-the-top party trimmings. Meeting your special someone shouldn't be anything but a comfortable and relaxed experience. We endeavor to create a private club atmosphere while recognizing our clients are also our product - we reward lovely daters with discounts and complimentary events and refuse service to anyone we don't think you'll fancy meeting. This is where being lovely has it's perks!
With daters eager to continue the pursuit of meeting new people safely in the era of Covid-19, SpeedStLouis Dating uniquely ushers in the new era of dating. Our SpeedStLouis family has no higher priority than to maintain the safety and well-being of our daters and hosts. Fore more information about the measures and precautions we are proudly taking, please CLICK HERE.
Simply choose the speed dating event you wish to attend and purchase your tickets online. Any questions, concerns or advice can be called upon anytime simply by e-mailing
The night has arrived! Go to the venue at the published start time for the event. There is no official start time to the speed dating portion of the evening - we like to wait for all daters to arrive, to have a moment to settle in with a refreshment and mingle should they wish.
Our personable hosts will assist you with your SpeedStLouis 'Date-Mate' Scorecard. Flirty and fun, your Scorecard is just the beginning. Chat up our hosts for tips or simply to ask, which direction the bar is in! After being shown to your table, the ladies will remain seated for the duration of the event. The gents move from lovely lady to lovely lady every six to seven minutes. Simply jot down your potential 'Date-Mates' at the bottom of your Scorecard and we'll take care of the rest. For those who garner matches, you will be notified via e-mail within 24 hours of the event ending of your 'Date-Mate' results.
Alas, the event is over but the night has just begun. Feel free to stay as long as you would like to mingle further. All we need are the 'Date-Mate' Scorecards to determine if love is in the air for you.
With a British sensibility and simplicity, we offer uncompromising value with unparalleled service. Lovely venues and our lovely hosts to assist you with anything or anyone.
Mingle, Mix & Match in St. Louis!